Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mexican Cuisine

Date: 12 March 2008 (Wed)

On our way back, we passed by this restaurant. We decided to try some Mexican food.

Hugo's Restaurant
1600 Westheimer Houston, TX 77006 -Tel: 713-524-7744 /Fax - 713-521-7719

At the entrance..getting dark already

Ready for the food?

Vuelve a la Vida – “return to life” with oysters, octopus, crab, shrimp and Red Snapper

These crackers are eaten together with the cocktail above

Carnitas – tender slow cooked pork served with salsa Mexicana, cilantro and onions

1 comment:

Alex said...

Looks yummy dude! Still trying to coax my co-workers to try one of the Mexican restaurants here called Taco Loco... they are not very interested and I don't want to dine alone >_<